Kurdish Separatist Terrorists Kidnap 45 Syrian Children for Children Soldiers

The US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorist group illegally operating in northern Syria continues its war crimes against the Syrian people and especially against the Syrian children, the latest toll of kidnapping 45 children from their families marks the highest since its leader, an Iraqi-Kurdish, signed an agreement with a UN body not to do so again back in June 2019.

Local sources in the city of Tabqa of the Al Raqqa province in northern Syria confirmed that herds of heavily armed Kurdish SDF terrorists stormed a number of neighborhoods of the city and its surrounding villages and kidnapped children aged 14 – 16 and took them to a military camp in the city of Manbij in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

The Kurdish terrorists were also accompanied by Biden forces on the ground and their helicopters, Biden maintains the troops illegally deployed in Syria by Obama (and Biden 1) and then Trump who declared their mission is to merely ‘keep the Syrian oil’ because as he said he ‘likes oil’…!

Syrian Kurds in their vast majority oppose the acts of the commanders hailing from the Iraqi Qandil mountains who form the terrorist groups of so-called SDF – YPG – PYD and all these NATO-sponsored groups, who are in turn, allegedly fighting the other NATO member state Turkey in northern Syria using these kidnapped Syrian children as fuel for their war machines.

More about this latest war crime by the USA and its sponsored terrorists in northern Syria in this report by American political analyst Miri Wood: SDF Insurrectionists Kidnap More Syrian Children for Criminal Militia.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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A Refugee Infant Killed in a Fire in Northern Lebanese Camp

A 1.5 years infant was killed and ten tents were burned in a fire that broke out in the refugee camp for displaced Syrians in the countryside of the Lebanese northern city of Tripoli today.

The Lebanese official media which conveyed the news did not elaborate on the cause of the fire, the latest in series of fires that burn down the already awful tents the displaced families are living in.

Syrian refugees in neighboring countries are prevented from returning to their home country by the USA and its minions exerting the highest pressure on the United Nations and the host countries which in place make money they receive from the US and EU taxpayers for hosting the Syrian refugees.

The US’s policy is regime change in Syria, they are using all the cards and tools imaginable and unimaginable to achieve this goal they’re seeking for in more than a decade now.

The same camp was set on fire by Lebanese terrorists in December of last year, dozens of Syrian families were left without shelter in the cold of the winter while the US was forcing the United Nations and the countries it controls to boycott an international conference called for by the Syrian government to allow the Syrian refugees to return home.

Imagine if this child killed today is yours while you are happily paying your tax money to support your government’s destructive policies against Syria…

More in this report: Syrian Infant Killed in a Fire in a Refugees Camp in North of Lebanon.

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203 Refugees freed from the US-Controlled Rukban Concentration Camp East of Syria

203 new refugees were finally released in the past 24 hours from the Rukban concentration camp in the depth of the Syrian desert at the Syrian – Jordanian – Iraqi borders.

Thousands of refugees are still held against their will in the infamous camp in miserable if not horrific living conditions most of them are children and women.

Among the recently freed refugees were 96 children and 59 women, these refugees fled their towns and villages in the central Syrian cities after a series of massacres committed by ISIS and other NATO-sponsored ‘Moderate Rebel’ terrorists and were literally herded toward the Tanf border area where the US had already arranged the place to hold them within…

The freed refugees were received by the Syrian authorities and were provided medical and humanitarian aid and the authorities are arranging to return them to the towns they fled from. The Russian and Syrian governments and the United Nations respective agencies made numerous pleads to the US occupation forces to end the suffering of the thousands of Syrian in the concentration camp to very little success, the US regime is using the suffering of these civilians as a bargaining card against the Syrian government.

The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria confirmed that a little more than 20,000 civilians have already been freed through a specially prepared checkpoint to ensure the security of the returnees.

More in this report: 203 Refugees Released from US-controlled Rukban Concentration Camp.

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COVID 19 in Syria: Forty New Cases Three New Deaths in the Past 24 Hours

Forty new COVID 19 cases in Syria recorded in the past 24 hours raising the total to 3,713 as of today 18 September 2020, and today’s three new cases put the total of deaths at 168 since March, earlier this year.

Syria’s struggle with COVID 19 (whether genuine pandemic or a scamdemic) is real considering it overwhelms what’s left of the country’s healthcare system, which was one of the main targets of the ‘freedom fighters’ sponsored by the USA and its cronies over the past 9.5 years.

If that’s not enough, the USA and the European Union hypocrite humanitarian regimes renewed the draconian sanctions imposed on the Syrian people for one more year starting June 2020 for the EU, and the Caesar Act notorious regime of sanctions by the regime of Donald Trump, both hinder Syria’s recovery intentionally and block the country’s banking system and its ability to trade with the world.

More in this report: COVID 19 in Syria: Forty New Cases Today and Three New Deaths.

UN in Hospitals Bombing Psywar to Save NATO’s Last Stronghold in Idlib

The mobster bullies in meticulous suits running the UN have launched another hospitals bombing psywar campaign to support NATO’s last terrorists in Idlib. It should be scandalous, international news, that key members of the United Nations continue to ignore the Geneva Agreements on hospitals, continue to ignore the UN’s own charter, continue to bray and bleat for terrorists occupying Idlib, while the UN and NATO countries maintain the savages on their terror lists.

But, no! These minions of Beelzebub are secure in knowing that approved media sources are part of that Military Industrial Complex, that they are free to pimp war, pimp corruption, engage in all forms of criminal lies with the impunity of those whose might makes right.… Continue reading: https://www.syrianews.cc/un-in-hospitals-bombing-psywar-to-save-natos-last-stronghold-in-idlib/

1.5 Million Syrian Refugees Returned to Syria

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon - Horrific Conditions
Syrian Refugees in Lebanon – Horrific Conditions

In spite of the massive campaign by Western powers and their regional stooges, more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees managed to return to Syria already, many more have registered their desire to return and awaiting logistics.

Today, Monday, October 1st, a new group of 4,100 Syrian refugees in Lebanon will be heading back home with the help of the Lebanese General Security apparatus.

The refugees returning today will use three border crossings with Lebanon. The main Masna’a crossing, in addition to… Continue reading: https://www.syrianews.cc/syrian-refugees-return-syria/