Syria’s rocket message to the delusional

The Syrian command placed the government of Ottoman illusion before the hour of truth, after the Syrian air force deterred the Turkish combat jet which violated Syria’s airspace.

The Syrian command placed the government of Ottoman illusion before the hour of truth, after the Syrian air force deterred the Turkish combat jet which violated Syria’s airspace. Hence, the downing of the Turkish aircraft constituted a strong message to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who has always been known for his threats to justify direct intervention in Syria. Firstly, the confusion was clear at the level of the Turkish reaction vis-à-vis the Syrian strong deterrence which drew a line of fire on the border, in parallel to the progress of the Syrian Arab army’s operations which aim at cleansing the border regions from the pits of armed and terrorist groups and at ending the smuggling of weapons and armed elements from Turkey.

Numerous journalistic reports revealed that the Turkish government was sponsoring networks smuggling arms and camps in which the armed men are being trained, especially following the New York Times report which pointed to the presence of officers from the CIA in the Turkish border regions, managing the operations in Syria and informing the armed terrorist gangs about the positions and movements of the Syrian Arab army via American satellite images. Moreover, according to Arab experts, the information is also being collected via reconnaissance operations carried out by Turkish fighter jets or American unmanned planes which the American newspapers have already revealed they were conducting flyovers on the Syrian border. That same report also assured that a CIA team was supervising the smuggling of weapons purchased by Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the Syrian armed gangs.

Secondly, a Turkish governmental source denied this report and Turkey’s involvement in the smuggling of weapons and armed men, thus using political hypocrisy when talking about the wish to end the violence witnessed in Syria. It was clear, based on the Turkish reaction to the downing of the plane that the hour of truth and the brink of the abyss engineered by the Syrian administration placed Erdogan in a critical position. Therefore, he had no other option but to accept the opening of the hot lines between the commands of the Syrian and Turkish armies under the headline of the search for the missing pilots, instead of using the incident as a pretext to trigger a war which Erdogan repeatedly said he was willing to launch, as opposed to the reports he received from the Turkish generals and the economic officials in his country, opposing involvement in any war with Syria.

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Syria: Clinton lets all know that the Russians are guilty

The toxic “drone”, Hillary Clinton, boosts the atmosphere against Syria and Russia continuously further. With her usual arrogance, Hillary Clinton is currently playing the boss (queen it) against Syria and wants to call Syria to account.

The toxic “drone”, Hillary Clinton, boosts the atmosphere against Syria and Russia continuously further. With her usual arrogance, Hillary Clinton is currently playing the boss (queen it) against Syria and wants to call Syria to account.

What a sickening arrogance, as the world leading aggressor- and torture-state, to want to call someone to account, when this country has made an attacker harmless on its own territory.

Hillary Clinton is herself not too bad for any sleight of hand. First she has converted Russian type helicopters into attack helicopters which will allegedly be used against civilians and has boosted this false story; and now, the Turkish perpetrator is in the eyes of Hillary Clinton just the poor victim.

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Syria: Shot down F-4 Phantom – Turkish media distorts Facts

The mass media of the NATO countries spread distorted reports in the public about the shot down Turkish fighter jet F-4 Phantom which was downed by Syrian air defenses on Friday. The distortion of the facts ..

The mass media of the NATO countries spread distorted reports in the public about the shot down Turkish fighter jet F-4 Phantom which was downed by Syrian air defenses on Friday. The distortion of the facts takes place in a manner that is likely to produce more anti-Syrian war-sentiment in the Western population of NATO countries.

Like many events that have to do with Syria, there are two different stories about the shot down Turkish fighter jet. The story of the Syrian news agency SANA (state media), that was published in the night from Friday to Saturday, is the following:

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Syria: CIA coordinates Supply of Arms to militias in Southern Turkey

After the re-election of Vladimir Putin, he met with the U.S. President Barack Obama for the first time again at the sidelines of the G20 summit. Although Putin had announced that they would continue the..

After the re-election of Vladimir Putin, he met with the U.S. President Barack Obama for the first time again at the sidelines of the G20 summit. Although Putin had announced that they would continue the talks to resolve the problem in Syria, but there should remain significant concerns.

Barack Obama said after the meeting with Vladimir Putin that he also has an interest in a political solution in Syria and opposes a military intervention from outside, but he also wants to overthrow the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but he was not able to persuade neither Russia nor China until now.

That the statements by U.S. President Barack Obama, that he wants to solve the crisis in Syria without a military intervention by foreign powers, are just a lie, was not only to expect, but is also clear if one reads, for example, this article, published by the New York Times on 06/21/2012.

In this article, it is reported what more and more people have already thought. According to officials from the Intelligence Service and further American officials, some CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) officers are already stationed in southern Turkey in order to coordinate locally the smuggling of weapons to the armed militias in Syria, which are mainly played down in Western media as “Syrian rebels”.

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Syria: Syrian Air defense has downed Turkish fighter jet

According to Syrian authorities and Syrian media reports, the Syrian air defense has downed a Phantom F-4 which was converted into a reconnaissance jet and thus also equipped with reconnaissance -cameras.

According to Syrian authorities and Syrian media reports, the Syrian air defense has downed a Phantom F-4 which was converted into a reconnaissance jet and thus also equipped with reconnaissance -cameras.

According to the reports, two jet fighters of the same type came from the Turkish city of Malatya, from the Turkish Air Force Base Erhach, flew over the Mediterranean and later, the jet fighters invaded the Syrian airspace.

One of the two jet fighters was downed at about 10 o`clock CEST near the Syrian city of Ras al-Baseet. The Pilot and the navigator were able to escape by parachute and were later fished from the sea and captured by the Syrian navy.

Then two more Turkish fighter jets flew at low altitude and very slow over the area, apparently in search of the wreckage and survivors. As it was later mentioned, the Turkish side had the allowance by the Syrian authorities to search for the pilots and fighter jets. This version of events was reported by Syrian media.

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Syria: War of Information – Senator McCain partly useful

U.S. Senator John McCain has confirmed that there are supplies of arms and also the financing of the Syrian armed rebel forces by the Gulf monarchies, especially by the Saudis.

U.S. Senator John McCain has confirmed that there are supplies of arms and also the financing of the Syrian armed rebel forces by the Gulf monarchies, especially by the Saudis.

Despite the fact, that the rebel groups have denied it always until now, the news of McCain sets a final point here behind this open secret. There are a massive weapons and cash flow to the combat units of the Syrian “opposition”.

Thus, the recently observed increased activity of foreigners in the ranks of the bandits is also explained by this fact. They are simply paid for this fight. It is said that they receive about 50-100 U.S. dollars per month – this is reported by, citing the “Washington Post”.

Continue reading “Syria: War of Information – Senator McCain partly useful”