Israel Desperate to Widen its Genocidal War on Gaza, Bombing Damascus, Again

The latest in the series of Israel’s aggressions against the Semite people of the Levant in Syria was yesterday evening when Israel fired a barrage of missiles targeting an apartment building in a Damascus suburb, and several posts on the outskirts of the Syrian capital.

Desperate to engulf the whole region in its genocidal war on Gaza and failing to achieve any of its stated goals, exposing the real nature of the anti-Jewish Zionist settlers, Israel is trying its best to drag its Western sponsors, mainly the US Army into a new war of terrorism and aggression.

Yesterday evening around 9:35 pm, Israel fired a salvo of missiles from over the occupied Syrian Golan toward the Syrian capital Damascus.

The video is also available on Rumble and BitChute.

Syrian air defense units shot down most of the incoming missiles with at least one of them slipping through and destroying an apartment building in the Sayyedah Zaynab suburb in the southeast of Damascus.

Only material damage was reported from the Israeli aggression by the time of this report as firefighters were struggling to put down the inferno that was burning down the building.

Syria has not yet retaliated to any of the hundreds of Israeli bombings since 2011, the Syrians are empowering the resistance factions against Israel while combating the US and Israel’s proxy terrorist groups across the country.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Suburb from Over the Occupied Golan.

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Israel Bombs Damascus and Tries to Bomb its Countryside

Israel bombed an apartment building in a Damascus upscale neighborhood in the morning followed by another bombing attempt of targets to the West of the Syrian capital.

The first bombing, at 9:40 am, targeted an apartment building in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood in Damascus, the bombing murdered at least 2 civilians and destroyed parts of the building.

Local sources reported hearing the sounds of 4 explosions, the building is opposite a kindergarten and a school.

A couple of hours later, the Syrian Arab Army’s air defense shot down incoming Israeli targets over the western Damascus countryside, no casualties were reported.

The US-led empire of evil is in chaotic mode, its projects are failing across the globe from Ukraine to Iraq to Gaza which exposed to the whole world the true criminal nature of the US and its proxy Nazis and Zionists, and it all started with the failure of the USA to overthrow the Syrian government and install a puppet regime in Damascus.

A US think-tanker once said that the Syrians killed PNAC, the Project for the New American Century, and he was right, we are witnessing the crumbling of the evil empire before our eyes.

More about the Israeli repeated war crimes and aggressions in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Murdering Two Civilians – Syrian MoD.

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Members of the US-led Evil Empire Bombing their Way Out of Their Quagmires

Failing and defeated on all the fronts they have started, the evil empire led by the USA is trying to bomb its way out of its debacles with the methods it mastered: genocide, terrorism, and proxy wars, in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Yemen, and around the globe, their latest is Israel bombing southern Damascus yesterday afternoon.

At around 1 pm, Israel fired a barrage of missiles toward a suburb in southern Damascus, Syrian air defense shot down some of the incoming missiles fired by Israeli fighter jets from over the occupied Syrian Golan into the Sayyeda Zainab district.

At least 2 Syrians were killed and others were injured in addition to material loss, the Syrian Ministry of Defense issued a statement about the bombing and locals added more info.

Israel is literally defeated in a humiliating way in Gaza, it’s only capable of murdering women and children; none of its stated goals when it started the genocide has been achieved, and that in military and political terms is considered a loss.

The Pentagon had to admit the bombing of its base, although with a twist to the location of that base, and admitted the killing of 3 US soldiers and the wounding of about 3 dozen others, that’s another humiliating slap to the hyped almighty US air defense systems.

Europe is crumbling with its nearby island of treacherous politics aka the UK, all of their colonies are standing up to their bullying and they are even losing their maritime and mercantile routes because of their arrogance and insisting on aiding Israel in its barbaric genocidal nature. Europe is losing its massive investment in the war in Ukraine and in the bombing of Yemen.

Not to mention the war with Texas and half of the US states over the borders issues.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Southern Damascus Murdering and Injuring Syrians.

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Israel Bombs Southern Damascus Risking Major War

Israel, the US-led Western-sponsored pariah state, resumed its Holocaust against the besieged Palestinians in Gaza, its bombing of southern Lebanon, and the bombing of Syria with the 8th bombing after midnight targeting posts in southern Damascus.

Around 1:15 am, Israel fired a barrage of missiles from over the occupied Syrian Golan targeting posts in the Sayyidah Zaynab suburb in the southern Damascus countryside, loud sounds of explosions were heard all over the Syrian capital.

A military spokesperson said in a statement that the Israeli enemy bombed posts in the targeted suburb inflicting material damage.

Local sources confirmed the bombing and the sounds of explosions heard over the Syrian capital in the depth of the night were from the Syrian air defense addressing the incoming salvo of missiles.

There were no losses in life as per initial reports, we need to wait to see if there are any. Israel targets this suburb because it holds the shrine of Prophet Muhammad’s granddaughter which in turn is guarded by the Lebanese Resistance Hezb Allah.

The targeted suburb is also not far from the Damascus International Airport which was the target of the previous Israeli bombing, an added war crime to the endless list of crimes committed by this pariah anti-Jewish so-called ‘state of Israel’.

Illegal US Army bases are bracing for the retaliation by the Syrian Resistance which bombs these oil thieves each time Israel bombs Syria, and Israeli IDF terrorists in northern Palestine are also on the highest alert for the retaliation by the Lebanese Hezb Allah.

Israel is trying to take advantage of the unprecedented US Naval presence in the region to start the regional war it always wanted by forcing the US Army to fight on its behalf, Biden’s junta, on the other hand, sent numerous messages to the countries in the region that its armada of ships is to deter Israel from expanding the Holocaust it’s committing against the Palestinians in Gaza!

More in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Countryside Pushing for Regional War.

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Israel Bombs Damascus International Airport; Add One More Israeli War Crime

Israel bombed Damascus International Airport in the afternoon just hours after the airport was restored and resumed operations after the previous Israeli bombing.

An additional war crime added to the endless list of war crimes the anti-Jewish Israel Zionist entity ever since it was created to act as the advanced frontier for the Western elites’ colonizers.

Material damage caused the airport to be taken out of service as a result of a missile bombing by Israel from over the occupied Syrian Golan at 4:15 pm on Sunday, 25 November 2023.

The Syrian air defense missiles shot down some of the incoming missiles; the Russian weapons which the SAA depends largely on seem to be less effective than the hyped claims about its capabilities.

This is the 7th Israel bombing of Syria aiding Al Qaeda and ISIS since the beginning of the heinous holocaust the anti-Jewish Israel terrorist organization masquerading as a state waged against the hopeless unarmed Palestinians besieged the Gaza Strip on the 7th of last month October 2023.

Despite the unprecedented support by its Western sponsors and the shameful silence of the rest of the world, mainly the Russian and Chinese inaction, Israel was handed a humiliating defeat in its war on Gaza at the hands of the Palestinian fighters of Gaza.

The Resistance Axis is avoiding direct confrontation with the sponsors of Israel, namely the US and Turkish armies, the main armies of NATO; and in order to expose the criminal nature of Israel.

However, the Syrian Resistance or its Iraqi Resistance allies will definitely bomb one or more of the illegal US army bases in Syria, this is a pillar in the rules of engagement set by the Syrian Resistance.

More in this report: Defeated in Gaza, Israel Bombs Damascus Int’l Airport, Again.

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US-sponsored Israel Murdered 2 in a Bombing of a Damascus Suburb, Syria Warns of Escalation

The latest US-sponsored Israeli aggression on Syria resulted in the murder of two people and material damage in a building in a suburb in southeast Damascus.

Yesterday afternoon, Israel unprovoked fired 2 missiles toward the Sayyidah Zaynab suburb in Damascus destroying a building under construction and murdering two people as a result of the bombing.

Syrian Army’s air defense shot down one of the incoming missiles, a military spokesperson said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement strongly condemning Israel’s repeated aggression against Syria that will lead to the destabilizing of the region, a threat that should be headed by the USA before it’s too late.

The Syrian Resistance is now obliged to bomb the illegal US Army bases in the country in retaliation to the Israeli aggression and at least two US personnel will be ‘injured’ with ‘headaches’ and rushed, most probably in body bags, as usual, to the US hospital in occupied Germany for ‘treatment’ from the injuries.

Yesterday’s Israeli aggression against Syria is the 6th since Israel started its horrific Holocaust against the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip 47 days ago.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Southern Damascus Murders 2, Syria Warns.

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