Aleppo International Airport Resumes Operations after Israeli Bombing

The damage that took Aleppo International Airport out of service after Israel bombed its main runway and its infrastructure is repaired and the airport resumed operations as normal.

In the very early hours of the dawn of Tuesday the 7th of March, Israeli fighter jets fired a barrage of missiles against Aleppo International Airport, Syria’s second-main airport, and the main hub for receiving humanitarian and relief aid for the northern Syrian region that was devastated by the earthquake a month earlier.

The missiles destroyed the main runway and some vital infrastructure, taking out the civilian airport of service and impeding humanitarian aid deliveries.

Syria’s Ministry of Transport and the country’s Civil Aviation department worked hard to repair the damages and restore operations in the airport, tens of thousands of people rely on the incoming humanitarian aid in the cold days of winter after they lost their homes in the earthquake of the 6th of February.

So far, there has been no condemnation by the so-called international community of the Israeli heinous war crime against civilian infrastructure, a vital conduit for delivering humanitarian aid, and an operation airport endangering the inbound and outbound flights through it.

The next time the western officials, Israel’s main allies talk about war crimes, slap this one in which they’re an accomplice in directly at their ugly hypocrite faces.

More in this report: Aleppo International Airport Restored after the Israeli Bombing.

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Israel Bombs Residential Neighborhoods in Damascus Killing 5 Civilians, Injuring Others

Shortly after midnight, the anti-Jewish Zionist Israel bombed three residential neighborhoods in Damascus with a barrage of missiles killing 5 civilians and injuring 15 others, some of the injuries were categorized as critical.

The Syrian army’s air defense managed to shoot down most of the incoming missiles, however, since the Israelis do not pay for those missiles and it’s covered for by the US taxpayers, Israel tends to fire a large number of missiles to overwhelm the Syrian air defense batteries and thus, some of the missiles caused carnage.

Among the victims was a medical doctor killed in his house in Kafr Sousseh residential neighborhood, the doctor is not politically affiliated, and is not personnel in any military unit.

The Israeli/ US-sanctioned heinous terrorist bombing comes merely a day after the US-sponsored ISIS (ISIL – Daesh) terrorists murdered 58 farmers collecting truffles in the central Syrian open desert.

Both terrorist attacks, the Israeli bombing, and the ISIS massacre came while the Syrian people are still removing the remains of hundreds of people from under the rubble after the devastating earthquake of the 6th of February.

There won’t be any United Nations Security Council urgent meeting to condemn the Israeli aggression; the council is held hostage by Israel’s own sponsors, the NATO trio of permanent members with veto power, the USA, France, and the UK.

More about the after-midnight Israeli bombing in this report: After the Earthquake and ISIS Massacring 58 Farmers; Israel Bombs Damascus.

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US Protectorate Israel Bombs Two Sites in Syria

To complete the circle of terrorism, Israel carried out a new aggression against Syria while the Syrian army and its allies are still heavily engaged in fighting terrorism including Al Qaeda, its offshoot ISIS (ISIL – Daesh), and the plethora of terrorist groups working under the protection of NATO’s largest and second-largest armies, the US and Turkish armies.

The US oil thieves bomb sites of what they claim are pro-Iranian militias, get bombed by the Syrian Resistance, bomb again only to get bombed yet again and then Israel shows up.

14 people were injured from the Israeli bombing of the outskirts of Masyaf in Hama countryside, and Tartous on the Syrian coast yesterday, an unprovoked attack, as Israel’s very presence is unprovoked. The Israelis are feeling their role is no longer needed especially after the latest signs of approaching the signing of the Iranian nuclear deal for the second time.

Israel also failed to prove it can act as an asset for its sponsors after the consecutive humiliating defeats with the latest against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad PIJ faction in the besieged Gaza strip.

Trying to instigate a regional war, the Israelis are betting their last luck on the remaining US forces in West Asia before the US inevitable withdrawal from the region and Israel runs out of cannon fodders to fight for it and protect it.

More about yesterday’s bombing in this report: Israel Bombs Masyaf and Tartous avenging the Bombing of Al Qaeda.

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Israel Challenges Russia in Syria, Bombs Southern Damascus after Putin’s Remarks

In less than three days after Russian President Putin’s remarks condemning Israel’s repeated bombings against Syria during and post the tripartite summit in Tehran with his Iranian counterpart and the Turkish madman Erdogan, Israel carried out another bombing against Syria, this time targeting the city of Sayyeda Zainab in the southeastern Damascus countryside.

This latest Israeli war crime, bombing a city shortly after midnight, comes also within a series of aggressions the mini US anti-Jewish Zionist regime carry out against Syria taking advantage of Syria’s preoccupation with all the other criminals on its land it is combating, the first and second strongest NATO armies, the US and Turkish, the presence of dozens of NATO spying agencies, tens of thousands of Al Qaeda, ISIS and their affiliated terrorists, and the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists, add to them Israel itself which continues to occupy the Syrian Golan.

The bombing resulted in the killing of 3 Syrian Army soldiers and injuring 6 others, and material destruction in the area, as per an official Syrian military statement, Israeli news sources claim there were casualties from the Lebanese Hezb Allah fighters as well from their bombing.

If the latter is true, then Israel will be witnessing a separate retaliation from Hezb Allah known for their swift reaction in such cases, the Syrian response is, as usual, strategic, Syria does not follow the tit-for-tat method, so far, it dismantles the enemies capabilities on the long run just like how the USA found itself losing more than 7 trillion US dollars in the region without achieving any of its goals, on the contrary, those trillions are the base of the US spirling of out control public debt.

More about the Israeli bombing, the Russian role, and the Hezb’s involvement in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Countryside, 3 Killed 7 Injured, Challenges Russia!

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Israel Bombs Syria for the 3rd Time this Month to Start a Regional War

Israel is itching for a regional war hoping the US troops and those of Turkey and the tens of thousands of Al Qaeda and ISIS (ISIL) would be in the forefront defending it before they withdraw or get eliminated, it carried out its 3rd bombing against Syrian army targets outside Damascus late night and killed 4 Syrian officers, injured 3 more in this attack.

The bombing comes in what Israel calls a battle between wars, the anti-Jewish Zionist entity of settlements cannot live without constant wars and conflicts, if it’s not directly at war, it makes sure that strife, civil wars, and wars continue in the region with the help of its US and other NATO sponsors.

Israel needs a war now taking advantage of the presence of thousands of US cannon fodders in Syria, about 17,000 Turkish soldiers in the north of Syria, and tens of thousands of Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists mostly concentrated in Syria’s Idlib province and across a northern strip bordering Turkey where they operate under the protection of the Turkish Army, NATO’s second-largest army.

A regional war where Russian troops are present and who would engage with Turkish and US troops will be another benefit for Israel to reduce the pressure the Russian army is having over Ukraine, a de facto Israel occupied land through its citizens of Jewish religion ruling Ukraine: Zelensky, his prime minister, his ministers of defense and culture, and their allies in the Nazi radical groups of Azov, Aiydar, and others. Dragging Russia into another confrontation helps Israel maintain its control over Ukraine through its stooges there.

Syria, on its side, has set its priorities to eliminate Israel’s proxies on the Syrian soil then focus on liberating the Syrian Golan occupied by Israel with the help of NATO, unless Israel crosses a red line in its bombings then all options are on the table, this latest bombing might have crossed the Syrian red line, it caused the killing of 4 Syrian officers, a colonel, and 3 lieutenants, and wounded 3 others.

More in this report: Israel Bombs the Outskirts of Damascus Killing and Injuring 7 SAA Soldiers.

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Not in Mainstream Media: US-sponsored Israel Bombs Damascus after Midnight

Shortly after midnight, the people of the Syrian capital Damascus were awakened by terrible very strong sounds of explosions coming from the outskirts of their city, short calm, another series of the same sounds, a Syrian soldier was killed, 5 others injured, Qudsaya residential district received shrapnel from the incoming missiles, several houses and vehicles damaged.

Have you heard about this latest bombing in your preferred mainstream media? It happened yesterday 9th of February, I couldn’t report it on time because I had the flu for the past 3 days and just recovering and no, I didn’t take the experimental vaccine, and God forbid I would be forced to under any condition, back to the story.

The fact that none of the western mainstream media made this a headline in their news bulletins tells a lot, they’re trying to normalize these war crimes. Why should they report it as headlines? Every NATO member state is heavily invested in Israel’s military capability and any war involving Israel will instantly turn into a regional war ‘highly likely’ develop into a larger war.

If it wasn’t for the 146 BILLION US dollars Israel receives in direct cash from the US taxpayers, and the constant supplies of weapons, munition, and gears, in addition to willfully granting the Israelis access to advanced US military and spying facilities and the Israelis granting themselves access to the US military and spying facilities they’re not supposed to access, and if it wasn’t for the direct political support and the wars the US fought on behalf of Israel against each of its enemies since it was built on stolen land to settle Euroasian Jews in the heart of the Arab world, to the extent that the USA has accumulated 30 trillion dollars because of those wars (7 trillion in direct cost as per Donald Trump and the rest for the banks lending the USA that money, guess who owns them?!) If it wasn’t for all of that and for the thousands of US servicemen and women killed in those wars, Israel wouldn’t survive one month.

Surely, the US citizens enjoy a very high standard of living, they have eliminated poverty in their country, there’s not a single homeless, their children do not have student loans, and their sick receive free healthcare, enjoy the utmost liberties and freedoms that they can spare all that extra money to finance Israel and all its acts, and to finance their war machines going around the globe starting wars and conflicts under the guise of spreading democracy and freedoms to the rest of the world.

See why the mainstream media should have reported this triple war crime as headlines in their news? Triple because the first bombing came from over Lebanon violating that country’s air, and then because of bombing Syria, twice, a sovereign state who happens to be combating the world’s largest terrorist army on behalf of humanity, mostly alone.

I reiterate: the Syrians have very long patience, once they’re fed up with the BS against them payback will be painful, whoever is behind their enemies, after all, all of the previous empires fell under Damascus’s feet, even when France occupied Syria Paris fell to the Germans in WWII; if you don’t know history try reading an unbiased history book, or if you don’t like history, try reading Mark Twain and what he wrote about Damascus, and by the empire here I’m not referring to Israel, I’m referring to its sponsor(s). You can ask those from ISIS, you can get access to them through Langely, or ask the US and British occupation forces in Iraq 2003 – 2009.

This gem by American political analyst Miri Wood details more about this latest Israeli war crime: Israel Bombs Damascus: Soldier Martyred.

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