Obama Regime Threatens to Kill President Assad, WWIII Looms

Democracy Coming your Way

In a Washington Post article that appeared today, July 29th, 2012, under the title White House cautions Syria rebels not to repeat mistakes of Iraq, Obama regime has threatened to kill the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad and warned the terrorists from the USA Al Qaeda Federal Agency working in Syria not to “completely disband the Syrian security and government ‘apparatus'”, referring to Syrian army, security officers and police forces.

We had to warn the Obama regime of such a crime that would definitely lead to major regional war with mega devastation, if not World War 3. Here is what we wrote as a comment on the same article, hoping some wise men, if any left, in the drone president administration would move to stop such a war before it’s too late:

If Obama regime said: “if president Assad is killed” that means they are planning to kill him, and that means they’re far way stupid, or better say: mad and rabid, than we thought or imagined.

Don’t they learn from their own mistakes? They killed 4 leaders in the Syrian government: minister of defense, his deputy, a former general who is aide to the deputy vice president and the head of national security of Syria, the result? The Syrian army went on full ground assault against the terrorists with no mercy to revenge their leaders, while those same slain leaders were holding it back giving the terrorists a chance after another to lay down their weapons and engage in a political dialogue. I’m sure this might be news for many of you, because the media made you think otherwise, I’m talking about reality on the ground and not the virtual world the media created and moved you to live in it.

Syrian army is not a bunch of pawns or slaves, those who don’t know should understand that 16 months of all types of disinformation, and an unprecedented campaign from all NATO media tools including this Washington Post itself, couldn’t deviate this army not even an inch away from its responsibilities. Now kill their leader and cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Doha, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Athens and many others would turn into ruins. Ask those few wise men left in the Obama regime and they’ll tell you the range of the Syrian missiles, I didn’t mention the so called israel, because it’ll cease to be inhabitable. The Syrian army has its orders and field leaders can react to any event without returning to any ‘political’ leadership. It’s in a state of war against thousands of terrorists already inside the country, so they won’t wait orders, trust me on this.

If Obama regime is after Armageddon, then it should say so, Syria’s foreign ministry spokesperson already hinted at Samson option: All in all out destruction in the event of a foreign attack, and killing the president of the country is a foreign attack. Read between the lines.

It doesn’t matter if Obama himself bragged about killing president Assad later, or Al Zawahri, the head of the USA Federal Agency known by Al Qaeda. The enemies of Syria have already declared their names: all of those who convened under the name of ‘Friends of Syria’.

Call on your leaders to reason, the world is still too young for such a destruction, lots of WMDs exist in israel and for sure it’ll retaliate using them, but it’ll be its own Samson option as well.

“If you’re not careful, the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed & loving the people doing the oppressing” – MalcomX

And I keep saying: “They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they’re smart, it’s because you’re foolable”.

Author: Arabi Souri

Syrian expat, publisher syrianews.cc

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