Syria: A short snapshot of propaganda and false flags

The opposition within Syria agreed to a dialogue with the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad already, but that have more or less brought this real opposition out of any discussions with the “opposition” based in Istanbul, Turkey. This “Syrian National Council” is not interested in democratic dialogues or goals. These questionable Syrian expatriate circles have other goals behind the curtains of lies.

Such dialogue with the Syrian government does not serve the interests of the exiles, United States, AIPAC and other Western governments and organizations.

They stick to their claims to overthrow the Syrian government and President al-Assad. Nowadays it also seems easy to spread lies and propaganda to destabilize a country and finally succeed in overthrow the government and leaders. Prejudices and stereotypes play into the hands of international press and finally into the hands of Western imperialism. It is easy to discredit another Arabic dictator by using the typically prejudices and stereotypes about the Middle East and its known systems.

You see similar propaganda / purposes with the way Islam and Muslims are sometimes mentioned in Western press. It is not always in line with the true religion of Islam or backgrounds of events / behaviors.

The wannabe leader of the “Syrian National Council” based in Istanbul, Turkey, calls again and again to bring the matter of Syria into the UN Security Council. Burhan Ghalioun is a Syrian-French person who has nice relationships with the Muslim Brotherhood (Muslim Brethren / جمعية الأخوان المسلمون)  – for a lot of organizations and governments still a terrorist organization.

Shall we recall the fatwa in the year 2004?  The (Muslim Brotherhood) Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi made it a religious obligation of Muslims worldwide to harass and kill citizens of United States within Iraq. This is just one of the more extremist religious and misused fatwas within the Muslim Brotherhood.

It is surprisingly enough that some Western governments changed their attitudes towards the Muslim Brotherhood within the recent 10 months. It is a huge turnaround, of course. The Muslim Brotherhood is now sold as moderate, modern Islamic organization and even the Salafits are accepted (Egypt) somehow finally – in contrast to own politically and safety interests within some Western countries.

Burhan Ghalioun (Arabic: برهان غليون), the selfish sold leader of the “Syrian National Council”, is not only a very questionable person without any legitimacy, but also somebody who calls in public to destroy “his” own country. Not to mention that Burhan Ghalioun never lived within Syria – he came to Syria just for holidays and finally for very doubtful activities.

Ghalioun wants either a so-called “No-Fly Zone” (war?) on Syria or the creation of a so-called “Safety Zone” for allegedly pursued peaceful civilians – but such a zone is not really a huge difference to his first horrible call.

Both calls of Ghalioun are similar to calls for war. Whether the NATO members and some warmongers as Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice are really convinced about a war within Syria is questionable – but viewing at AIPAC and recent U.S. Foreign Policy (misused by Lobbies and by several “Interests”) it seems that Hillary and Condoleezza are not ashamed of any faked facts behind a war.

We all have to wait for the final result of the observer mission by the Arab League (AL). Even we are not convinced that their results will be objective, trustworthy and credible. This dubious guy delivers names of murdered who are finally still alive – not to mention that Mr. Rahman in London has a easy game to be creative with the names of allegedly murdered people within Syria. As stated before, all this is playing in the hands of other interests. Imperialism and “regime changes” are nowadays such a easy game with the way of low-cost journalism. Incredible!

There is no evidence behind the statements of Mr. Rahman, the videos of Ugarit TV (Hello again, Rifat & your son!) and other strange statements and sources. They are rejected easily when you are in Syria.

After the suicide bombing within the Syrian capital Damascus on last Friday there is no question that the level of security has become very disastrous. The Western-backed extremists and armed “rebels” (sure a wrong name..) showed last Friday in Damascus how horrible and inhuman they are in reality. At least 44 people were killed and a lot injured.

It was clearly a terroristic act within Damascus – allegedly al-Qaeda or Muslim Brotherhood are behind this terrorism. Both would not surprise any longer. Both terrorist organizations confessed already that they are behind the terrorism and suicide bombings in the Syrian capital. But both confessions are questionable – even when this act of terrorism recalls us to the way al-Qaeda acts.

Also in the nights of the last days there have been some bomb explosions within different districts of Syria. This way of a “peaceful protest” as it is celebrated and sold by the West, cannot be tolerated by any government on the entire world. These Syrian rebels are far away from being real rebels and just the same “rats” like in Libya. No surprise.

They are also armed and financially supported by the Turkish government and other Western governments and organizations. NATO is far away from its own dogmas and statutes. It is also against any international law, of course – and just a inhuman way of “regime change”.

We have to wait for the final results of the Arab League (AL) observers and their mission on Syria but we should not have high hopes of these results. Unfortunately, these observers seem not to be really independent, even if this should be made to average Western citizen knows.

One can only hope that Syria soon comes to rest, so the country is able to really concentrate on the reform process – which became harder because of the Western sanctions on Syria. These hypocritically sanctions hit, as always, the Syrian population more and more.

There is more and more shortage in some regions of Syria but the exiles abroad have not yet reached their goal to stir up all Syrian citizens against their government and President Bashar al-Assad. They want to stir up Syrians everywhere to protests on the streets but they reached the contrary somehow:

The so-called general strikes, which have been invoked by the so-called dissidents, has been boycotted by the huge majority within Syria and became a farce and just lies for Western media.

When the rioters and terrorists can be arrested and security in the country is restored, they are able to concentrate on the dialogue and the reform process again. But Western imperialism never has been very logically behind the sold lies for their interests.

The support of the armed extremists and religious fanatics with weapons, money and advice by Western governments must end. It is estimated that currently about 15,000 armed radicals, criminals and idiots are within Syria to force chaos, destabilize the country and to attack Syrian security forces (and also normal citizens).

If the government withdraws its troops from these areas before the armed criminals were caught, yet more chaos breaks out. Then, some cities might actually drown in the blood of innocents.

Very few want to face this reality, the majority prefers to believe the mainstream and propaganda lies. Pride and Prejudices. Propaganda and worse journalism. The “Arab Spring” is a fake and these “Syrian rebels” (as within Libya) are no peaceful democratic people, just as the members of the used National Councils are no peace-bringers.

Author: Arabi Souri

Syrian expat, publisher

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